Multifunctional tool-technological platform of cloud computing CLAVIRE


The multifunctional tool and technology platform CLAVIRE (Cloud Application Virtual Environment) is designed to support the life cycle (including prototyping, development, operation and modernization) of multi-user computer modeling and data processing systems in various subject areas.

The advantages of the development are provided by the symbiotic combination of the capabilities of modern information technologies (cloud computing, Big Data technologies, intelligent data analysis technologies, supercomputer modeling technologies, interactive visualization and virtual reality) within a single tool environment, allowing them to be flexibly and effectively combined to create software systems and complexes for various purposes.

The platform provides:

effective management of computing, information and software resources of a distributed cloud environment within various models (SaaS, AaaS, DaaS and HaaS);
creation, execution, management and provision of access services to subject-oriented high-performance composite applications operating on the basis of a cloud of distributed application services in a distributed cloud environment;
ensuring the functioning of a hardware and software complex to support the infrastructure of subject-oriented cloud computing in various subject areas based on corporate, public and hybrid clouds, including supercomputer resources, grid systems, and cloud environments of various providers. CHARACTERISTICS

System response time: no more than 3 s
Computing architectures used: SMP, MPP, GPGPU, CBEA, as well as grid systems and cloud environments based on IaaS, PaaS models
Number of simultaneously working users: up to 1 thousand
Operating mode: 24x7
Total peak performance of the distributed environment: 5 Pflops


Development and operation of multi-user systems for computer modeling and data processing in various subject areas based on cloud computing technology


Reduction in the development time of software systems based on CLAVIRE due to the effective integration of various modules on a single platform - up to 45-60%
Reduction in the cost of ownership of the created software (information) system, due to the use of cloud resources and CLAVIRE services by an average of 4 times
Reduction in requirements for the initial qualifications and costs of training personnel on the use of and system support